The Goodness of Fall

Life has been full of experience this fall. We’ve been on a few adventures, shed some tears, and spent time as a family soaking up this season. These cold weather days remind me to be thankful for the beautiful fall we had, and they make me look forward to the cozy days ahead! Enjoy the photo blast of the past: fall 2023.

Leaves Have Left!

One of our favorite times of year… the joy of jumping in the leaves! Oh yeah and PSA don’t wear a sherpa jacket next time. Oh and maybe just shave your daughter’s head before this activity too. It’ll all be worth it in the end.

Fall Fullness

You just can’t have enough time to do all the fun fall things. Such an action packed few months and I just enjoyed the heck out of it. Enjoying looking back on all the photos we took too! Happy scrolling, friends!

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